Friday, September 17, 2004

Gajar ko Halwa (Indian recipes)

Ingredients for Gajar ko Halwa
Carrots: ½ kg
Whole milk: 3 cups
Suger: 2
Ghee: 3 Tbs
cardamom powder (elaichi): ½ Tsp
saffron: Few flakes
Almond and pista: chopped

Method of Preparation for Gajar ko Halwa:

First of all grate all the carrots. Pour whole milk, suger and grated carrots in a saucepan. Boil the whole thing until it is thick. Stir it continously. Add ghee saffron and elaichi(cardamom). Stir in low heat until ghee vapourizes. Garnish with chopped almond and pista.